位于热门的Greenville Estate,Pass Road Rokeby,此地块水电等基础设施已接通,产权将在4-6周内颁发。仅需约15分钟车程即可抵达Hobart CBD,短途驾驶便可到达新的Glebe Hill购物区、公园和学校。该地块属于一般住宅规划区,非常适合首房买家或投资者。请注意,该地块仍在建设中,所有参观必须提前预约。
89 Pass Road, Rokeby, TAS 7019 Greenville Estate - 89 Pass Road? Located in the popular Greenville Estate, Pass Road Rokeby
? Services connected
? Titles issued For Current Available Lots
? Approx.15 minutes to Hobart CBD
? Short drive to the new Glebe Hill shopping precinct, parks, and schools
? 'General Residential' zoning
? Perfect for first home builder or investor