全新升级住宅 —— 现代优雅与实用设计的完美结合,发现一个平衡现代升级与功能性生活空间的家园。此住宅设有四个精美装修的卧室,包括一个配备卫浴套间的主人房,以及两个额外浴室,满足家庭和宾客的需求。
室内亮点包括: - 烹饪卓越:配备不锈钢电器和石质台面的厨房,适合休闲烹饪和专业大厨。 - 地板:公共区域采用现代木地板,湿区使用耐用地砖,卧室铺设舒适地毯。 - 舒适性:燃气中央供暖系统搭配太阳能热水服务,确保全年舒适的环境。 - 天花板高度:宽敞的2740mm高天花板,增强空间感。
外部特色: - 外观吸引力:精心打造的景观前院,迎接您和您的客人。 - 安全性:围绕住宅的边界围栏,提供安全与隐私。 - 车道:新完成的花岗岩车道,为房屋外观增添一抹优雅。
财务优势: - 固定价格保证:固定价格的住宅,所见即所得,没有隐藏成本。 - 简化支付:只需支付5%的定金,余款在完成后支付,无需担心进度款。
这个家不仅是舒适的居住空间,更是家人共同成长的地方。它专为那些重视奢华与实用结合的人士设计。立即拥有它。更多详情,请致电Rick Stephenson,联系电话:0408 356 264。
27 Violetta Boulevard, Diggers Rest, VIC 3427 24.6 SQ - INSPECT TODAY - BRAND NEWOPEN FOR INSPECTION TIMES:
? Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 11:00am - 11:30am
? Extra opens: Saturday (8th) & Sunday (9th) 2:00pm - 2:30pm
Newly Upgraded Home ? Modern Elegance Meets Functional Design
Discover a home that balances modern upgrades with the need for a functional living space. This property features four well-appointed bedrooms, including a master bedroom complete with an ensuite, and two additional bathrooms to cater to both family and guests.
Other features Include:
- Double Glazed Windows
- Front and Rear Landscaping
- Theatre Room
- Kitchen Appliances
- Stone Benchtops throughout
- Landscaped Front
- Boundary Fencing
- Ducted Heating
- High Ceilings - 2740mm
- Aggregate finish driveway
- Blinds and sheers.
Further details by calling;
Rick Stephenson M: 0408 356 264
PLEASE NOTE: Virtual Tour is of a similar home with the same reversed flooplan.
?Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this floor plan, visual inclusions, measurements of doors, windows, rooms and any other items are approximate; and only a guide. The producer or agent cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or measurements. The furnished images are not the actual house and are to be used as an example of the finished product".