The Armadale 253 房屋与土地套餐
- 符合NCC标准的楼层设计
- Mimosa Homes增值包含内容:
• 包括场地成本和连接,采用H1级混凝土板,符合标准
• 整栋房屋高品质地板覆盖
• 地下楼层更高,达到2550mm
• 双层玻璃遮阳窗
• 生活区嵌入式照明
• 厨房采用vitrified紧凑型表面台面
• 900mm不锈钢立式烤箱和炉灶,配有不锈钢烟囱式抽油烟机
• 不锈钢洗碗机和微波炉,带装饰套件
• 吊柜和酒架! (设计特定)
• 遥控分段式升降车库门
• 七星级能源效率,配备太阳能热水系统
• 灵活的平面图,更多内容!
所有计划和立面图仅作为仅供参考的示意图,并非精确描绘。Mimosa Homes保留修改计划规范和价格的权利,恕不另行通知。套餐价格基于标准立面、标准包含内容、适合开发的土地可用性,并不包括开发商/社区要求。展示的立面和包含内容图像可能与标准不同,并且可能不包括在房价中。所有尺寸仅供参考。套餐价格不包括园林绿化、围栏、露台、花箱、车道和路径,除非在套餐中有特别指定。
lot 803 Guinea Road, Officer, VIC 3809 Welcome to the stunning Armadale 253. .The Armadale 253 House and Land Package
*NCC Compliant Floorplan
* Mimosa Homes Added Value Inclusions:
- Inclusive of site costs & connections with H1 class slab as per standard inclusions!
- Quality floor coverings throughout entire home!
- Higher ceilings 2550mm to ground floor!
- Double Glazed Awning windows
- Downlights to living areas!
- Vitrified Compact Surface benchtop to kitchen!
- 900mm S/S upright oven and cook top with S/S canopy rangehood!
- Stainless steel Dishwasher and Microwave with trim kit!
- Overhead cupboards & wine rack! (Design specific)
- Remote control panel sectional lift garage door!
- 7 star energy with solar hot water!
- Flexible floor plans & so much more!
All plans and facades are indicative concepts only and are not intended to be accurate depictions. Mimosa Homes reserves the right to amend plans specifications and price without notice. Package prices are based on a standard facade, standard inclusions, the availability of suitable land for development and does not include developer/estate requirements. Facade and inclusion images shown may not be standard and may not be included in the price of the home. All dimensions are approximate. Package prices do not include landscaping, fencing, decking, planter boxes, driveways and paths unless specified.