这套明亮且朝北的住宅,完美诠释了清晰生活方式的梦想,是经典之作。您将会爱上这里的开放格局和宽敞的铺设花园,无论四季更迭,都能在此享受生活乐趣。住宅位于一楼,拥有两个卧室,宽敞的主人房、紧凑的第二卧室,以及开阔的开放式生活空间,无论是维持现状的舒适,还是打造个性化风格,都是理想之选。地处超级迷人的街区,直面Marina和St Kilda Beach,既能体验都市繁华,又享有便利的交通。
An obvious lifestyle dream, light and bright, north orientated, and classic. You will love the open design and big paved garden that you will enjoy all year round.
In comfy order or one to put a stamp on, this collectible ground floor 2 bedroom features a huge master, smaller second bedroom and a big open living in a super charming block opposite the Marina, St Kilda Beach, cosmopolitan delights and transport close by.