位于Steels Creek的Oasis Berry Farms是一处宁静、绿意盎然的物业,在过去12年里,它从一块约15英亩的土地发展成为今天这个样子。这里展示了5000棵蓝莓树、主题花园、恐龙小径、迷你花园和玫瑰园。该物业作为持续经营的业务出售。
在当前季节,预计有10种蓝莓品种将产出20至22吨蓝莓。蓝莓经过采摘、打包后,销售给本地及州际客户,以及参观物业的人士。每一个成功的企业都必须拥有正确的基础设施和设备,以实现最大潜力运营。Oasis Berry Farms在各方面都符合这一点。这包括一个主仓库,面积为24米乘12米,带有6米乘4米的冷却室、办公空间、厨房ette、2个洗手间、10千瓦的太阳能发电以及大量的储藏空间。另一个仓库面积为18米乘9米,主要用于储存机器和设备。整个物业的电力供应全面覆盖,而且种植的所有植物都进行了灌溉。
22 Adams Lane, Steels Creek, VIC 3775 OASIS BLUEBERRY FARMS - YOUR OWN PARADISELocated in a quiet, leafy part of Steels Creek is this amazing property called Oasis Berry Farms. It has been a created over the past 12 years from a vacant piece of land (approx. 15 acres) to what it is today. It showcases 5000 Blueberry bushes, Theme Gardens, Dinosaur Trail, Miniature Garden and Rose Garden. The property is being sold as a going concern. If your lifestyle is too busy, the property can be run by a manager.
There are 10 varieties of blueberries producing an estimated 20 to 22 tons for this current season. They are picked, packed and sold to local and interstate clients, and people visiting the property. Every successful business must have the right infrastructure and equipment to operate at its maximum potential. Oasis Berry Farms is in every way. This includes the main shed 24 x 12 metres with a 6 x 4 cool store, office space, kitchenette, 2 toilets, 10 kilowatt of solar power and lots of storage space. The second shed 18 x 9 metres is mainly for housing machinery, workshop and chemical storage. Power supply is to all areas of the property, and everything that has been planted is under irrigation.
The water supply is amazing with 175,000 litres of drinking water in storage tanks and 2 dams approx. 4 megalitres each. One is the irrigation dam and the other is a showpiece with a bridge and an island, which can also be used as a back up dam.
Apart from the Blueberry bushes there are 50 fig trees, an orchard of fruit trees, citrus trees and many more. The property is open to the public 7 days a week. Most exiting for children to explore the Dinosaur Trail and Miniature Gardens. There is excellent potential to increase tourism to the property.
If you were to build your dream home on the property, you would truly have your own paradise.
Price Range $2.5 to $2.7 mil.