Armadale 253 房屋和土地套餐,为您提供一站式购房体验。此套餐包含:
此套餐诚意满满,机会难得!请联系开发商直接咨询!Maulik 0430 884。
地址:Armadale 253
LOT 114 ARDISIA WAY, Wyndham Vale, VIC 3024 Welcome to the stunning Armadale 253. .The Armadale 253 House and Land Package
* NCC Compliant Floorplan
* Mimosa Homes Added Value Inclusions:
- 7 Star Rating!
- 2700mm Ceiling Hight
- Inclusive of site costs & connections with H1 class slab as per standard inclusions!
- Quality floor coverings throughout entire home!
- Double Glazed Awning windows
- Downlights Through out the house!
- 40mm Vitrified Compact Surface benchtop to kitchen!
- 900mm S/S upright oven and cook top with S/S canopy rangehood!
- Stainless steel Dishwasher and Microwave with trim kit!
- Overhead cupboards & wine rack! (Design specific)
- Flexible floor plans & so much more!
- 3.5kW Solar System!
- Evaporative Cooling Unit!
- Home Alarm System