今日即可入手这片稀缺的公顷土地,机会不再增多。现在正是出售郊区房产,抓住拥有您专属乡村公顷生活区的绝佳时机。通过“联系经纪人”按钮注册您的兴趣,北丹达鲁普庄园全新发布的1公顷+地块等您选购。地块位于北丹达鲁普的Lakes Rd与Hopeland Rd交汇处——这片超过一公顷的庄园,是最新且最令人兴奋的乡村生活方式开发项目,现已火热开售。
*免责声明:广告中使用的房屋照片仅供参考,所示房产为北丹达鲁普40 Hasluck Circuit的实景。
Lots at Hasluck Circuit - North Dandalup Estate, North Dandalup, WA 6207 North Dandalup EstateSECURE ACREAGE LAND TODAY - they're not making any more of it..
The timing has NEVER been better, to sell-up in the suburbs and secure your very own special rural piece of acreage lifestyle?
1 Hectare+ Lots at North Dandalup Estate.
Located at the corner of Lakes Rd X Hopeland Rd, North Dandalup - this hectare+ estate is the newest and most exciting acreage lifestyle development to become available for sale.
*All Lots come complete with rural fencing, Underground 3-Phase power supply, NBN + Scheme water connection!*
Your dream acreage lifestyle awaits here at North Dandalup Estate.
Contact the Miles Walton team by using the Email Agent feature on this webpage for more information.
** Disclaimer: House photos are of 40 Hasluck Circuit, North Dandalup for advertising purposes only **