"O'Brien's "for lease Via Offer to Lease
Harcourts Nutrien are pleased to offer for lease "O'Briens", a broadacre cropping and livestock property situated 20km NNW of Nyabing on Ditchburn Road. A single title offering with title area of 603 Hectares (1489 acres), of which the growers maps indicate 556 Hectares ( 1,373ac) is arable .
The property has in recent years been in a 100 % cropping Rotation and the same opportunity is afforded the new lessee. Currently the property has over 1/3 lupin stubbles and the remaining cereals with no Clearfield history allowing the new tenant almost any rotational option for the 2024.
The property has good boundary fencing, water and a small set of steel yards to allow a livestock enterprise. Other infrastructure includes small GP shed and poly tanks.
Offered with the following key terms:
? 3 Year term with further 3 year option
? Commencement 1st March 2024
? 50% payment July and 50% January
Offers to Lease received in person or electronically by 3.00pm WST Thursday 22nd day of February.
Further information and inspection Contact Glen Phelps 0400 092 075