DFR Commercial很高兴向市场推出这块罕见的空地,总土地面积为11,520平方米。该物业位于Cockburn市政区内,其分区为农村 - 水源保护区 - 允许多种土地使用。
- 养蜂场
- 家庭职业
- 家庭办公室
- 研究/科学研究(临时)
- 种子采集
- 本地森林采伐
- 树木农场
- 电力变电站
- 电信基础设施
- 饮用水处理厂
- 辅助住宅
- 单户住宅、度假屋
- 保护和研究项目
- 风力发电
- 太阳能生产
- 气体储存和压力控制工程
该地块地理位置策略性强,可非常好地接入所有主要干道,Jandakot Airport仅几公里远,以及Kwinana Fwy和Roe Hwy。
- 总土地面积11,520平方米
- 面向Warton Road的正面宽约440米
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Lot 800 Warton Road, Treeby, WA 6164 LARGE LAND PARCELDFR Commercial are pleased to present to the market this rare vacant block with a total land area of 11,520m2. The property sits within the City of Cockburn shire and has a zoning of Rural - Water Protections - which allows for a variety of land use.
- Apiary
- Home occupation
- Home office
- Research / scientific study (transient)
- Seed collecting
- Native forest harvesting
- Tree farm
- Electricity substation
- Telecommunications infrastructure
- Drinking water treatment plant
- Ancillary dwelling
- Single house, holiday house
- Conservation and research project
- Wind farm
- Solar energy production
- Gas storage and pressure control works
The site is strategically positioned with very good access to all main arterial roads, the Jandakot Airport is only a few kilometres away as well as the Kwinana Fwy and Roe Hwy.
Features include:
- Total land area 11,520m2
- 440 metre frontages to Warton Road
Approximate annual outgoings: Council rates $878
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