地址:123 Main Street, Sydney, Australia
特色:- 2卧室,1客厅,1餐厅,1厨房,1主卫浴,1次卫浴,1洗衣房
- 岛式厨房,影音室,阳光房,内进式双车库
- 覆盖式户外露台,无尾静街,带顶棚露台
- 学区/校网,首房买家,或者首次置业者
- 步行即可到达学校、商店和所有设施
46/6-8 George Street, Liverpool, NSW 2170 WALKING DISTANCE TO SCHOOLS, SHOPS & ALL AMENITIES.As new 2 bedroom apartment ground floor aparatment, large combined lounge/dining area, separate kitchen with dish washer & gas cooking, mirrored built ins & en-suite to main, internal laundry with dryer, air conditioning, vertical drapes, undercover alfresco adjoins courtyard, security car space, conveniently located within walking access to schools, shops & all amenities.