如果您正在寻找一个舒适且便利的居住地,Marayong的这间 delightful 1-bedroom granny flat 绝对是单人或情侣寻求舒适与便捷的理想选择。
请注意,该房源的描述中保留了一些英文词汇和短语,如“granny flat”,这是当地房地产市场的常用术语。地址信息也保留了英文显示,符合国际化和专业性的做法。金额使用$符号表示澳币,这是符合当地习惯的。
70a Railway Road, Marayong, NSW 2148 Charming 1-Bedroom Granny Flat in Marayong ? Prime Location!Looking for a cozy and convenient place to call home? This delightful 1-bedroom granny flat in Marayong is perfect for singles or couples seeking comfort and accessibility.
Spacious Bedroom: Bright and airy with plenty of natural light.
Modern Kitchen: Equipped with ample storage and essential appliances.
Open Living Area: Perfect for relaxing or entertaining.
Private Entrance: Enjoy privacy and independence.
Close to Amenities: Just a short stroll to Marayong train station, local shops, and essential services.
Location Highlights:
Easy access to public transport for seamless commuting.
Proximity to schools, parks, and local eateries.