位于322平方米地块上的这座全砖西班牙使命风格房屋,从高处俯瞰街道,捕捉到海景的璀璨光芒。它拥有无限扩展或重新开发的潜力(需遵守相关规划条件),为您打造一个卓越的海滨生活方式,拥有壮丽的海洋全景。这套由大师级工匠建造的房屋,在60年后首次上市,已经进行了更新和扩建,同时提供了在这个关键位置进行更多改造的选项。距离Maroubra海滩的沙滩、冲浪和咖啡馆文化仅1公里,步行15分钟即可到达Maroubra Junction购物中心和餐饮区,门口有公共汽车,靠近海洋浴场、学校和公园。抓住这个机会,购买这个备受追捧的地点,并设计您未来的理想家园。
- 宽敞的客厅/餐厅通向海景阳台
- 餐厅和厨房配有瓷砖地板和反转式循环空调
- 3间双人卧室,第二间浴室带洗衣间
- 有顶棚的后院娱乐露台、花园和储藏室
- 通过23 Bell St的后门进入,有潜力建造地下车库(需遵守相关规划条件)
- 有潜力建造3层房屋,符合当地建筑规范
- 上层将捕捉到全景海洋视野
- 家庭友好的海滨地区,靠近学校
- 发挥创意,最大化潜力
- 潜在租金每周1000-1100澳元(约)
开放日:每周四和周六下午1:00 - 1:30
Veronica Perez 0411 871 225
Chadd Hancock 0438 278 330
Cassandra Moustacas 0450 794 949
322 Maroubra Road, Maroubra, NSW 2035 Limitless Potential with Panoramic Ocean ViewsSet high above the street, this full brick traditional home captures sparkling sea views with unlimited potential to extend or redevelop (STCA) for an exceptional beachside lifestyle with a magnificent ocean view panorama. On the market for the first time in 60 years, this master-built home has been updated and extended while offering options for so much more in this key location. Just 1km to the sand, surf and caf? culture of Maroubra Beach, it's a 15 minute walk Maroubra Junction shopping and dining with buses at your doorstep and in close proximity to ocean baths, schools and parks. Seize the opportunity to buy into this sought-after location and design your future family home.
? Full brick Spanish Mission-style home on 322sqm block
? Generous living/dining flows to oceanview balcony
? Dining & kitchen with tiled floor & reverse cycle A/C
? 3 double bedrooms, second bathroom with laundry
? Covered rear entertaining terrace, garden & sheds
? Rear access via 23 Bell St, potential for LUG (STCA)
? Potential for 3-storey home in line with neighbours
? Upper level will capture panoramic ocean vistas
? Family-friendly beachside precinct, close to schools
? Think outside the square to maximise the potential
? Potential Rent $1000-1100 Per Week (approx.)
Water $169.03 pq
Council $ 748.40 pq
( All Approx. )
View: By Appointment or As advertised online
Veronica Perez 0411 871 225
Cassandra Moustacas 0450 794 949
Chadd Hancock 0438 278 330