位于Rossmore核心区域的这片广阔土地,现正诚邀投资者抓住这一开发前期绝佳的投资机会!价格优惠,敬请发送邮件获取更多详情。LJ Hooker Camden & Bringelly荣幸地向市场推出这一独特的物业投资机会。物业位于繁忙的Bringelly Road,占地面积约1.891公顷(约合4.67英亩),享有极高的曝光度,地块已设置围栏,保持原始自然状态。
规划主要包括C2环境保护区、RU6过渡区以及RU4小型初级生产区。物业靠近新建的Leppington工业区、Leppington火车站及规划中的未来商业区,且距离预计2026年开始运营的新Badgery's Creek机场仅约10公里。规划组合包含以下特点:
459 Bringelly Road, Rossmore, NSW 2557 High Exposure Site! - 4.67* Acres (1.819* Hectares)LJ Hooker Camden & Bringelly are proud to present a very unique property opportunity to the market. Located on the major arterial road of Bringelly Road, this 1.891Ha (4.67 acres approximately) is a high-exposure site. This vacant block is fenced and has been left in its natural state.
Zoning on the block comprises most of 'Zone C2 Environmental Conservation' with smaller areas of 'Zone RU6 Transition' and 'Zone RU4 Primary Production Small Lots'.
This property is incredibly close to the new Leppington industrial areas, Leppington Railway, and the future commercial district. Also only 10km approximately to the new Badgery's Creek Airport site proposed to commence operation in 2026.
* 4.67* Acres (1.819* Hectares)
Zoning is a combination of:
* C2 Environmental Conservation
* RU6 Transition
* RU4 Primary Production Small Lots
* - 75.085m* Frontage along Bringelly Road
Disclaimer: All information contained herein is true and correct to the best of our ability; however, we encourage all interested parties to carry out their own enquiries at all times