"Beeron" is a proven grazing property which has been well improved with timber treatment and regrowth control, the owners regularly conduct a burning programme. The permanent water in Beeron Creek and open dams makes this an ideal standalone grazing property.
? Freehold area 1,507.049 hectares (3,724* acres).
? The property is situated 45* kilometres south of Mundubbera.
? Beeron Creek runs through the centre of the property, country comprises blue gum along the creek and hollows running to narrow leaf ironbark ridges, spotted gum on the top of the ridges.
? Native pastures of Burnett bluegrass, black spear grass, green panic along the creek, seca stylo throughout the property.
? PMAV 1,228 * hectares (3,034* acres) Category X, the spotted gum camps provide future income from timber sales, approximately 120 hectares of narrow leaf timber in the southwestern corner with good stands of fencing timber.
? Permanent water fed by springs in Beeron Creek, 7 dams. Bore rated at approximately 400 GPH is equipped with a solar pump supplying a 5,000-gallon tank and troughs for each paddock and the yards.
? Subdivided into 2 main paddocks and a holding paddock at the yards, Internal fence is 3 barb and rosewood posts, holding paddock fence is 4 barb and rosewood posts, there is a dam in the holding paddock.
? Timber cattle yards centrally located with drafting pound, Gympie Welding Works vet crush, branding cradle.
? Currently 330 breeders plus bulls on the property, the owner's stock the property conservatively to ensure a good body of grass.