- 短途步行至Westridge购物中心
- 3间内置卧室,宽敞明亮
- 全新粉刷,为您带来清新居住体验
- 国王单人锁车库,提供安全停车空间
- 后院全面围栏,保障隐私与安全
- 禁止在物业内吸烟,维护健康生活环境
- 检查可以通过拨打York Realty安排。请勿未经York Realty代理陪同进入物业。
地址:123 Main Street, Westridge, Australia
*请注意,以上价格仅供参考,实际价格以York Realty最新公布为准。
39 Paradise Street, Harristown, QLD 4350 3 Bedroom in ParadiseShort walk to the Westridge Shopping Centre
3 built-in bedrooms
Freshly painted throughout
King single lock up garage
Backyard fully fenced
No smoking permitted inside the property.
Inspections can be arranged by phoning York Realty. Please do not enter the property without accompaniment from a York Realty Agent.