这是一个绝佳的地方来建造您的家庭住宅。位于便利设施附近,仅有9个地块的死胡同社区,城镇供水压力和NBN已连接,没有限制性契约,注册即将完成。这个社区现在已准备好供您参观,并步行丈量地块,以感受其真正的美妙。如果您在寻找具有竞争力的房价房屋设计 - 请安排时间参观现场信息中心,并查看我们当地建筑商团队的选项 - 或者我们可以为您量身定制一个家。我们只剩下最后3个地块 - 所以别延迟您的参观。物业编号:347
LOT 6/19-27 Catania Pl -Round Ridge Rd, Jimboomba, QLD 4280 Large level acreage lot in Boutique estate in Jimboomba QldA great place to build the family home.
Close to amenities
Cul de sac estate of only 9 lots
Full pressure town water and NBN connected
No restrictive covenant
The estate is ready now for you to visit and walk over the lot to get a feel for how great it really is.
And if you are looking for a competitively priced house design - make a time to call in to the on-site information centre and look through options from our panel of local builders - or we can design a home just for you.
We are down to our last 3 lots - so dont delay your visit
Property Code: 347