不必费心研究地块选项来建造你的梦想家园,而这个令人惊叹的4000平方米完全围栏的乐园很快就可以将你的邮件转寄到这里。这块明星地块大部分地势平坦,后面有轻微的下坡(非常适合水流),因为几乎位于山顶上,所以绝对不受洪水影响(很好,因为这块地完全可用,保险也不是噩梦),你有遥远的后邻居(你喜欢它,因为你可以保持后窗帘打开,感觉不像生活在鱼缸里),一侧还有大型马术场地(对于一些免费花园肥料来说很棒,谁不喜欢马呢),下面还有一些非常可爱的邻居(爱家的家伙们,他们给我自制的小蛋糕,但我认为他们是从Woolies来的...好意 though)。
校车经过前门,从购物中心、学校、高速公路入口、Bunnings、快餐、加油站、Porters Pub、就业机会等地只需几分钟车程。25分钟后即可返回伊普斯威奇,或在大约30分钟内到达托罗ombie山脉。
设施:校车经过前门。驱车几分钟即可到达购物中心/学校/高速公路入口/Bunnings/快餐/加油站/Porters Pub
45 Thallon Road, Regency Downs, QLD 4341 We delivered it...Now Y'all build it!Forget about buying in the new subdivisions where some offer homesites in a gully...or mountain goat country...or way too close for comfort to flood levels as well as never knowing who your potential neighbour could be or what the estate could turn into?
Forget the Analysis Paralysis researching block options to build your Home Sweet Home upon and secure this elevated and awesome 4000m2 fully fenced piece of Paradise that you can soon be redirecting your mail to. This stellar block is mostly level with a gentle fall to the rear boundary (perfect for water runoff), is absolutely flood free as it sits almost on the top of a hill (a good thing as the block is completely useable and insurance isn't a nightmare), you have a distant rear neighbour (loving it as you can keep your rear curtains open and not feel like you are living in a fishbowl) as well as a large horse property on one side (great for some free garden manure and who doesn't like horses) and some absolutely lovely neighbours on the lower side (house proud folks who offered me homemade lamingtons but I think they were from Woolies...nice gesture though).
A Trickle feed town water supply, Electricity meter box and a Data connection feed are all at the ready to Plug & Play and forget about calling the pricey tree loppers as this block is mostly cleared apart from a welcoming tree arch just within the metal post mounted double driveway gates and a few other trees that would potentially not be within your build area anyway.
School buses pass by the front gate and be just a few short minutes drive from Shopping Centres, schools, Highway access, Bunnings, Takeaway, Servos, Porters Pub, Employment Opportunities and more. Be back at Ipswich within 25 minutes or up the Mountain Range of Toowoomba in approx 30 minutes.
Remember you can't build what you want if you ain't got the block!
Block size: 4000m2
Fenced yard: Fully Fenced with metal post mounted driveway gates
Amenities: School bus passes front gate. Short drive to Shopping Centres/Schools/Highway access/Bunnings/Takeaway/Servos/Porters Pub
Flood Free? Heck Yes! We are on a hill!