- Ripley Valley State School 和 Ripley Valley State Secondary College 已开放
- 加入拥有4,800+居民的Providence即时社区
- 享受备受欢迎的Splash 'n Play水上乐园和游乐场
- 主办Ripley Markets & Providence Playlist
- 20+年的开发项目,超过20,000居民将把Providence称为家
- 规划中的镇中心,包含零售、社区和绿地空间
- Ripley Valley Satellite Hospital 已开放
- 700公顷总体规划住宅社区
- 10个公园等你探索!还有20+个即将到来
- 请今天就联系BILL KOLLIOU,安排您的House & Land套餐,电话 0409-954-238。
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Life At Providence-Ripley Valley State School and Ripley Valley State Secondary College OPEN
-Join an instant community with 4,800+ residents already living in Providence
-Enjoy the popular Splash 'n Play Waterpark and playground
-Home to the Ripley Markets & Providence Playlist.
-20+ year development project and over 20,000 residents will call Providence home
-Proposed Town Centre with Retail, Community & Greenspace
-Ripley Valley Satellite Hospital OPEN
-700 hectare master planned residential community
-10 Parks to explore! 20+ more to come
Please contact BILL KOLLIOU today to organise a House & Land Package for you on 0409 954 238.
Disclaimer: The images used on this website are for generic and illustrative purposes only. They may not necessarily depict real individuals, events, products, or situations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, or to actual products, events, or locations is purely coincidental.
These images are intended to enhance the visual appeal and user experience of the website, but they should not be construed as representing specific endorsements, affiliations, or associations unless explicitly stated. The website content, including text and images, is subject to change without notice.
While we strive for accuracy and relevance in our content, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the images for any particular purpose. Users are encouraged to exercise their own judgment and verify information as needed.