在美丽的 Russell Island 上,谁想要一个位于 Redland Coast 的高级地块?
这块备受追捧的 683 平方米地块非常适合来自 bowls 社团的人士,这里也是公众聚会的场所。街道两旁是迷人的新建筑。岛上的生态非常适合养蜂和采集野蜂蜜,这在澳大利亚享有盛誉。此外,它还是一个色彩斑斓的鸟类保护区。钓鱼爱好者可以享受这里的绝佳钓鱼机会,包括 Flathead、Mullet、Whiting、Sole、Squire、Taylor 和 Perch。带上你的船!岛上有一个新的警察局、邮局(提供银行业务)、医疗中心、兽医诊所、优秀的学校和教堂。还有一家主要 IGA 超市和辅助的专业商店。在 RSL 俱乐部度过美好时光,并在 Canaipa Point 与 yachties 们相聚。每半小时有一班水上出租车到大陆,提供快速前往布里斯班和黄金海岸的机会。
立即行动 - 请联系 Barry 电话:0403 377 211!
9/25 Harvey Street, Russell Island, QLD 4184 ISLAND GIRL - $75,000Hey who wants a top allottment on Beautiful Russell Island on the Redland Coast?
A coveted 683m2 ideal for someone from the Bowls Fraternity a communal gathering place. A street of endering new builds. The Island ecology leads itself to Beekeeping and bush honey is renowned Australia wide. It is also a colourful bird Sanctuary. Fantastic Fishing, Flathead, Mullet, Whiting, Sole, Squire, Taylor and Perch. Bring your Boat! There is a new Police Station, Post Office with banking facilities, Medical Centre, Vet Clinic, Great School and Churches. A Major IGA and ancilliary Speciality shops. Enjoy time at the RSL Club and join the Yachties at Canaipa Point. Water Taxis every half hour to the mainland offering quick access to Brisvegas and the Gold Coast.
DON'T TARRY - CALL BARRY ON 0403 377 211!!