RealWay Edge荣幸地向各位买家推荐在Spring Mountain取得的绝佳地块,这是一个不容错过的完美机会。这块400平方米的朝北地块已注册完毕,位于发展迅速的Spring Mountain新区。
您将尽情享受美丽的山景,且一切便利设施仅需几分钟路程即可到达!Spring Mountain展示房、儿童保育中心、Spring Mountain州立学校以及高品质的家庭公园和体育设施均在步行可达的范围内,为您精心打造理想生活。您的家人将在此享有美好的生活,蓬勃发展!
- 距离Spring Mountain小学仅3分钟车程
- 距离Harmony Childcare 4分钟车程
- 步行即可到达公交车站
- 距离Orion购物中心及泻湖3分钟车程
- 距离Mater私立医院4分钟车程
- 距离USQ Springfield校区4分钟车程
- 距离Springfield Central火车站4分钟车程,更多便利设施一应俱全!
如需了解更多信息,请拨打Amar(0460 111 555)或Nik Raj(0400 678 555)的电话,表达您的兴趣。
免责声明:RealWay Edge、其员工及相关方提供的信息旨在为有意购买者或租户提供一般指导,并不构成全部或部分的要约或合同。本广告中的图片可能包含虚拟布景照片以展示家具选项,不应被视为物业当前状况的确切呈现。已尽合理努力确保所给信息在实质上正确,但任何有意购买者或租户应通过检查、搜索、询问和调查来确保每项陈述的正确性。我们建议您在做出任何决定前,获取财务、法律和税务建议。
LOT 8398/157 Belvedere Drive, Spring Mountain, QLD 4300 Ready to build your dream house on this 400Sqm North facing Block!RealWay Edge is proud to present this perfect opportunity for all buyers to secure one of the best blocks in Spring Mountain. Registered and ready to go - this north facing 400 Sqm block is located in the new crossing estate of Spring Mountain.
Take advantage of beautiful mountain views just minutes away from everything! Build your lifestyle within walking distance to the spring mountain display homes, childcare center, Spring Mountain State School and excellent family parks and sports facilities.. your family will love thriving here!
- 3 minutes to Spring Mountain Primary School
- 4 minutes to Harmony Childcare
- Walking distance to Buses
- 3 minutes to Orion Shopping Centre & Lagoon
- 4 minutes to the Mater Private Hospital
- 4 minutes to USQ Springfield Campus
- 4 minutes to Springfield Central Train Station and so much more!
Please register your interest with Amar on 0460111555 or Nik Raj on 0400678555 for more information.
Talk to us about our mortgage & finance service. Take advantage of our complimentary in-house finance check for all buyers considering a purchase.
Information provided by RealWay edge, it's employees and related parties is a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or tenants and does not constitute in whole or in part an offer or a Contract. The images in this advertisement may include virtually staged photographs to show furnishing options and should not be relied upon as exact representations of the property's current condition. Reasonable endeavors have been made to ensure that the information given is materially correct, but any intending purchaser or tenant should satisfy themselves by inspection, searches, enquiries, and survey as to the correctness of each statement. We recommend that you obtain financial, legal and taxation advice before making any decision.