坐落在壮丽的Huon Valley的东北面,俯瞰着起伏的牧场和树木覆盖的山丘,这里有10英亩(约40,468平方米)的牧场和原生灌木丛,构成了完美的私密乡村逃脱之地。这里的景色难以用言语描述其美好,直到你亲自走上这片土地,你才开始想象在爱彼迎上出租,或者只是坐在露台上,享受不断变化的多彩景观,让你感觉仿佛身处欧洲某处。
从铺设良好的Arve Road穿过100米的砾石路就到了入口大门,距离繁忙的Geeveston镇中心约4公里,那里有所有生活必需服务、医生和学校。主电源可轻松接入该地块,地势从入口处的150米海拔逐渐升高至后界山顶的250米海拔,在那里你可以眺望南西部壮观的景色和无边的森林,一直延伸到视线所及的地方。
Geeveston是一个具有悠久历史的小镇,距离塔斯马尼亚风景如画的Huon Valley中的霍巴特55分钟车程,这个地区的历史与果树种植和林业产业密切相关,多年来一直是一个重要的区域中心,位于Huon River河口,距离海岸线和海滩20分钟车程,就在这个物业的下游即是著名的Tahune Airwalk冒险公园和Hartz Mountains。这里也是通往多条通向西南世界遗产区的步道的起点,这是一个理想的生活区域,适合定居并享受Huon Valley的生活。
Lot 3 Ferrar Road, Geeveston, TAS 7116 The Perfect AspectPerched high on a hill overlooking the perfect landscape of rolling pastures and tree covered hills, facing North East in the magnificent Huon Valley is this 10 acres of pasture and native bushland that makes the perfect private rural escape.
With views that are hard to describe how good they are until you venture up onto the land you begin to imagine the possibilities of Air BNB, or just sitting on the verandah enjoying the ever-changing colourful aspect that makes you feel like you could be somewhere in Europe.
With only 100m of gravel road to venture across from the sealed Arve Road to the property gate, you are 4km from the busy town centre of Geeveston where all of the essential services, doctors and schools are located.
Mains power is an easy connection to the lot and the lots elevation ranges from 150m above sea level at the entrance to 250m right on top of the hill at the rear boundary where you take in the stunning landscapes of the South West and endless forests that stretch as far as the eye can see.
Geeveston is a historic regional town 55 minutes from Hobart in Tasmanians picturesque Huon Valley and offers much history from the fruit growing and forestry industries where it has been a large regional centre in many years gone by, located near the Huon River Estuary and 20 minutes from the coastline and beaches, just down the road from this property are the locally famous Tahune Airwalk adventure park, the Hartz Mountains and the gateway to many of the south west world heritage area walking tracks making this is a perfect lifestyle area to settle and enjoy living in the Huon Valley.
Please reach out via phone or email for further information or to arrange an inspection.