近90公顷的原生灌木地,横跨6块地契。这些地契构成了总面积175公顷整体打包出售的一部分。剩余部分也位于波特阿瑟(参考:6408 Arthur Hwy PA 和 4734 Arthur Hwy Murdunna)。该物业为买家提供了以下多种选择:
1. 作为投资继续持有;
2. 选择性砍伐并保留;
3. 砍伐后重新种植;
4. 选择性砍伐后转售;
5. 给予其自然再生的机会。
该物业通过“expression of interest”方式出售,欢迎有意者预约参观。
6620 Arthur Highway, Port Arthur, TAS 7182 Native Bushland - Untouched 25yrs (Part 1)Nearly 90Ha native bushland. Across 6 titles.
These titles form part of an overall offering of 175Ha. The remainder also at Port Arthur. (Refer: 6408 Arthur Hwy PA and 4734 Arthur Hwy Murdunna).
This property can provide several options for purchasers. Continue on as an investment , selectively harvest and retain, harvest and replant, harvest selectively and resell and allow time to regenerate. Or from another perspective retain and improve to encourage biodiversity.
Both these properties have been under the current ownership for 20yrs. Purchased as a private investment, at an estimated 70,000 tonnes, you can now have the opportunity to do the same at an estimated 80,000 tonnes.
Properties to be sold under an 'expression of interest' arrangement.
Inspection by appointment.