位于贝里克中心21 Mansfield Street的优质3卧室住宅,坐拥宽敞的889m2地块,拥有已批准的规划许可,为您提供了一个激动人心的开发项目机会。您也可选择翻新现有住宅,打造您理想的居住空间。这栋整洁的砖饰面房屋布局合理,设有宽敞的客厅、三间卧室、中央家庭浴室、实用的家庭厨房以及独立的洗衣房。地处中心位置,交通便利,靠近知名学校、High Street商店、咖啡馆及主要交通路线。21 Mansfield Street位于贝里克中心充满活力的地区,无论对于寻求即时舒适还是未来前景的投资者和开发商,都是极具吸引力的选择。切勿错过这个难得的投资机会。目前房屋已出租,既为您提供稳定收入,又助您规划财务未来。
21 Mansfield Street, Berwick, VIC 3806 Plans & Permits Approved - Development OpportunityUnlock the potential of this prime investment opportunity, positioned on a substantial 889m? block in central Berwick. This property presents an outstanding investment opportunity with approved plans and permits for the development of two dwellings on the subdivided block.
Key Highlights:
Development Ready: Plans and permits are approved for the construction of two new dwellings, offering a lucrative opportunity for developers.
Current Income: The property is currently leased, providing immediate rental income while you plan your next steps.
Prime Location: Centrally located, this property offers convenient access to renowned schools, High Street shops, cafes, and major transport routes.
This is a rare chance to secure a property with substantial development potential in a highly sought-after area. With approved plans for a two-dwelling subdivision and a steady rental income, 21 Mansfield Street is a compelling investment prospect. Don't miss out