Darley 178 房屋和土地套餐,土地价格:389,000 澳币
- 固定场地成本已包含
- 优质地板覆盖已包含
- 全套服务(包括前后的景观设计、车道、卷帘、晾衣绳、邮箱)(土地面积高达350平方米)
- 集中供暖和蒸发式冷却已包含
- 双层玻璃窗已包含
- 3.5kW 太阳能板已包含
- 对讲和门铃系统已包含
- 厨房下置式水槽已包含
- 40mm 石材厨房台面已包含
- 20mm 石材卫浴套间和浴室台面已包含
- 整个家庭LED射灯已包含
- 洗碗机和装饰微波炉套件已包含
- 所有可开启窗户的纱窗已包含
- 光纤 optic NBN 供应已包含
- 等服务
请联系建造商!MAULIK 0430-884-855
所有计划和立面仅供参考,可能会更改。Mimosa Homes可能会修改计划、规格和价格,恕不另行通知。套餐价格基于标准立面、标准包含内容以及合适的土地可用性,不包括开发商/地产要求。立面和包含内容的图片可能展示非标准项目,这些项目不包括在价格中。尺寸是近似的。景观设计、围栏、露台、种植箱、车道和路径除非有说明,否则不包括在内。
LOT 136 ARCHDUKE DRIVE (TURN KEY), Deanside, VIC 3336 Mimosa Homes Proudly PresentsThe Darley 178 House and Land Package (LAND PRICE : $389,000)
- Fixed Site Cost - INCLUDED
- Quality Floor Covering - INCLUDED
- Full Turn Key (Landscaping to front & rear, Driveway, Blinds, Cloth Line, Letter Box) (UP TO 350m2 LAND SIZE)
- Ducted Heating & Evaporative Cooling - INCLUDED
- Double Glazing Windows - INCLUDED
- 3.5kW Solar Panels - INCLUDED
- Intercom and Doorbell System - INCLUDED
- Under mount Sink to Kitchen - INCLUDED
- 40mm Stone Bench top to Kitchen - INCLUDED
- 20mm Stone Bench tops to En-suite & Bathroom - INCLUDED
- LED Down-lights to Entire Home - INCLUDED
- Dishwasher & Trim Kit Microwave- INCLUDED
- Fly-screens to all Openable Windows - INCLUDED
- Fiber Optic NBN Provision - INCLUDED
All plans and facades are indicative only and may change. Mimosa Homes may amend plans, specifications, and prices without notice. Package prices are based on a standard facade, standard inclusions, and suitable land availability, excluding developer/estate requirements. Facade and inclusion images may show non-standard items not included in the price. Dimensions are approximate. Landscaping, fencing, decking, planter boxes, driveways, and paths are excluded unless specified.