在备受追捧的Collard Rise Estate,这块高地的地块可以俯瞰Diamond Creek的全景。土地超过24米宽,地处山顶,有远见的买家不容错过这一理想地块。对于那些一直梦想建造一栋大型住宅的人来说,这块地就是为您准备的。Diamond Creek的商店、火车站和当地学校均在几分钟车程之内,机会难得,切勿错失。欢迎立即预约参观。
18 Serenity Place, Diamond Creek, VIC 3089 Make your dreams a reality nowIn the sought-after Collard Rise Estate, this elevated block offers panoramic views to Diamond Creek. At the top of the hill and over 24m wide, the astute buyer should take advantage of this ideal block. For those looking to build a large home you've always desired, this block is the one for you. With Diamond Creek shops, Train station and local school only minutes away, take advantage of this opportunity now. Inspect now.