这座令人惊叹的物业位于备受追捧的圣安德鲁斯海滩的Paradise Drive,是市场上难得一见的佳作。不妨漫步至圣安德鲁斯海滩享受冲浪,或者在泳池边小酌同时观赏鲸鱼!这里不仅是绝佳的永久居所,也是海滩别墅中的佼佼者。放松身心,这里到处都体现着“放松”二字。
- 4间卧室
- 主卧带卫浴套间和步入式衣橱
- 两间浴室
- 两个客厅
- 全新屋顶
- 独立洗衣房
- 为房屋和泳池安装的太阳能板
- 全屋逆循环供暖和制冷
- 9米×4米的盐水游泳池
- 楼上和楼下均有宽敞的露台
- 精心打造的花园景观
- 惊艳的蜿蜒车道,直通房屋
29 Paradise Drive, St Andrews Beach, VIC 3941 This View Is Just Wild!This stunner is one of the very few that hit the market on the much sought after Paradise Drive, St Andrews Beach. Why not take a short stroll to the sands of St Andrews beach for a surf, or sit by the pool while watching for whales with a drink in hand! This is a fabulous permanent home or the very best of the best in beach houses. Kick back, this has "relax" written all over it!
? 4 Bedrooms
? Master with ensuite and WIR
? 2 Bathrooms
? 2 Living rooms
? Brand new roof
? Separate laundry
? Solar panels for the house and pool
? Reverse cycle heating and cooling throughout
? 9x4 salt water swimming pool
? Extensive decking upstairs and down
? Landscaped gardens
? Stunning winding driveway, leading up to the house
The list goes on and on!
Please call for a private inspection over Christmas period.