'Grandview' presents an outstanding opportunity to acquire an increasingly rare entry level or add on property in WA's northern wheatbelt, which is perfectly prepared for the 2025 season.
Situated 24km north of Morawa and 20km south of Canna within a backdrop of the Moonagin, Karrakarook and Milhun ranges, 'Grandview' consists of 810 arable hectares of predominately red loam soil, with lesser areas of gravel and clay loams.
For the past 5 years the property has been in a continuous cropping rotation of wheat, barley and canola, interspersed with small areas of chemical fallow. Prior to 2019, 'Grandview' formed part of a larger mixed farming operation with a conservative cropping history.
The property has been well managed with full stubble retention, modern chemistry & district average fertiliser rates. Approximately 740t limesand has been applied to specific areas of 'Grandview' in more recent years, at rates of 2-4t/ha. The property is subdivided into 6 paddocks ranging from 85 to 195ha, with 508ha of un-arable salt lakes and bushlands having grazing value and potential for carbon farming or other alternative uses
Located at the southern end of the property, a solar equipped submersible bore and 50kl Coerco tank provide ample water for spraying purposes, while a second solar equipped bore is found near the western boundary.
'Grandview' is well prepared for the 2025 season having been spray-topped on 6th August with 2.3L Glyphosate + 600ml Ester 680 + 40g Terrad'or. At the time of listing, Morawa Airport (BoM site 8296) and Canna East (DPIRD) had received 314mm and 350mm respectively.
'Grandview' is realistically priced and is unlikely to last long, with the favourable seasonal conditions, positive outlook for the balance of the year and the prospect of significant moisture retention for 2025.
Yield data, soil test results and an Information Memorandum are available to genuine buyers.
For further information, please contact Yves Beagley on 0438 326 608 or [email protected]