专业团队的JURIEN BAYVIEW REALTY荣幸地向您推荐购买SEAFRONT ESTATE住宅的绝佳机会。该住宅户外生活区域朝向Doust Street,让您能沿着街道远眺海洋,仅需短距离步行即可到达。住宅内设有3间宽敞卧室,内置衣柜,2间浴室,大型客厅与厨房及用餐区相连,并直通朝北的户外生活区。
封闭式社区内设有2个游泳池,大型凉亭区域配备公共BBQ设施,广阔草坪供孩子们尽情奔跑与玩耍。Seafront Estate对面即是海滩、Dobbyn Park、滑板公园和码头,小区内侧还有商店,轻松步行即可到达各处。
该物业设施齐全,无论是作为旅游区域内的假日住宿,还是承包商的居住选择,都是理想之选。有意者请联系IAN KELLY,电话:0419 969 244。
PROFESSIONALS JURIEN BAYVIEW REALTY are delighted to offer the opportunity to purchase one of the popular SEAFRONT ESTATE units where the outdoor living areas faces onto Doust Street, where you can look down the street towards the ocean, which is only a short walk away. 3 good sized Bedrooms with BIR's, 2 Bathrooms, Large Living area with the Kitchen and Dining areas, which look out to your north facing outdoor living area. There are 2 swimming pools in the gated complex, common BBQ's in a large Gazebo area. Large lawn area for your kids to run around and enjoy. Seafront Estate is over the road from the Beach, Dobbyn Park, the Skate Park and the Jetty. There are shops on the inland side to the estate. You can walk everywhere. This property is fully furnished and set up for Holiday Accommodation or Contractor Accommodation in this Tourism zoned unit. For more details, contact IAN KELLY 0419 969 244.